Custom drapery window treatments give you the opportunity to select the perfect window coverings for every window in a room. Using a patterned fabric is one way to make a room more visually interesting.
There are a lot of details involved in custom draperies including choosing the right fabric. There are special considerations to account for when using a printed fabric with a pattern to ensure the proper pattern placement on the finished product.
Pattern Placement
This drawing represents a typical cut of printed fabric. Notice how the print runs uphill. It may be out of square from ½” to 2 ½”. If this is the case, there are three methods to choose from when making the draperies.
Match Print and Square Bottom

This choice is the most desirable option. A drapery made this way will definitely show the pattern running uphill.
Match Print and Slant Bottom to Follow Pattern

This option has the best of both worlds. Seams are matched and the drapery is made to follow the pattern. Since the drapery is made out of a square, this option works best on rod pockets and gathered treatments. Pleated treatments hang better when they are cut square with the fabric.
Cut by Repeat Square, Do Not Match, Join Even at Bottom

Our standard method of cutting and joining for all pleated treatments is to cut square by repeat and join even not matching. The seams are hidden behind the pleats and the general appearance of the pattern is straight across.
These drawings represent the typical cuts of printed fabrics.
Let us work with you to design the perfect window treatment for your space.