Ripplefold draperies offer an elegant look to a room. The wave-like folds provide an identical look both from the inside and the outside.
Types of Ripplefold Carriers
The ripplefold drapery track has carriers running in the channel of the track. The ripples in the drapes are created by carriers corded together to give a consistent wave and provide movement of the drapery.

There are two different types of carriers to choose from—the overlap master carrier and the butt master carrier. Glen Tyson of the hardware department at Merrill Y. Landis explains the two types of carriers to use with ripplefold drapes to help you select the best option.
Overlap Master Carrier
The overlap master carrier is used with ripplefold drapery when you really want to block out light in a room because it completely blocks out the light so no light filters in. The look of the drapes will differ depending on the master carrier used. An overlap master carrier creates a flat center.
Butt Master Carrier
The butt master carrier may allow some light to filter in between the center crack so it is not guaranteed to completely block out light. Ripplefold draperies using the butt master carrier will have a different look than drapes with the overlap master carrier. With the butt master carrier, drapes have a continuous wave or rippled look with the curtain panel wrapping completely around the end.