Did you know that we also create your custom designs? Check out this project we worked on with designer, Lisa Chickis from Window Treats for these beautiful pinch pleat drapes.

Notice the beautiful blue banding on the leading edge of these classic white pinch pleat drapes with the custom Turn Cord Loop attached to each pleat.

The custom Turn Cord Loops are all completed and ready to attach to the Pinch Pleat Drapes.

Our seamstress Hoang Le shows off the detail for this classic white Pinch Pleat Drape with custom Turn Cord Loop attached to each pleat.

Our seamstress Deb Ruth does a beautiful job hand sewing the twist for each loop.

Seamstress Hoang Le is busy attaching each loop by hand.

35 yards of handmade cording was used to complete the loops for this project of 5 pairs of drapes. That’s approximately 100 Turn Cord Loops!

Jennifer DeRosa, our Drapery Department Supervisor, worked with her talented team of seamstresses to bring this detail-oriented treatment to life!